Publications by C-DEN Members

AuthorTitlePublication NameYear
Minsoo KimPROBE3.0: A Systematic Framework for Design-Technology Pathfinding with Improved Design EnablementIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (submitted)2023
Alexander Graening, Saptadeep Pal, Puneet GuptaChiplets: How Small is too Small?Design Automation Conference2023
C. Chidambaram, A. B. Kahng, M. Kim, G. Nallapati, S.C. Song and M. WooA Novel Framework for DTCO: Fast and Automatic Routability Assessment with Machine Learning for Sub-3nm Technology OptionsProc. IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology2021
Andrew R. Neureuther, Luke Long, and Patrick NaulleauModeling stochastic effects of exposure/diffusion and dissolution on missing contactsSPIE Proc. 11609 Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography XII2021
S. Pal and P. GuptaPathfinding for 2.5D Interconnect TechnologiesSystem-Level Interconnect – Problems and Pathfinding Workshop2020
Jonathan H. Ma, Han Wang, David Prendergast, Andrew Neureuther, Patrick NaulleauExcitation selectivity in model tin-oxo resist: a computational chemistry perspectiveProceedings Volume 11323, Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography XI2020
Luke Long, Andrew Neureuther, Patrick NaulleauMeasurement of latent image in resist using scanning probe techniquesProc. SPIE. 11323, Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography XI2020
S. Jangam, U. Rathore, S. Nagi, D. Markovic, and S. S. IyerDemonstration of a Low Latency (<20 ps) Fine-pitch (≤10 µm) Assembly on the Silicon Interconnect FabricIEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)2020
R. Irwin, Y. Hu, A. Alam, S. Benedict, T. Fisher, S. S. IyerNanowire Impregnated Poly-dimethyl Siloxane for Flexible, Thermally Conductive Fan-Out Wafer-level PackagingIEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)2020
S. Pal, D. Petrisko, R. Kumar and P. GuptaDesign Space Exploration for Chiplet-Assembly-Based ProcessorsIEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems2020
C.-K Cheng, A. B. Kahng, H. Kim, M. Kim, D. Lee, D. Park and M. WooPROBE2.0: A Systematic Framework for Routability Assessment from Technology to Design in Advanced NodesIEEE Trans. on CAD (In Submission)2020
Xia Sang, Jane P ChangPatterning nickel for extreme ultraviolet lithography mask application. II. Hybrid reactive ion etch and atomic layer etch processingJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films2020
Xia Sang, Ernest Chen, Jane P ChangPatterning nickel for extreme ultraviolet lithography mask application I. Atomic layer etch processingJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films2020
Xia Sang, Yantao Xia, Philippe Sautet, Jane P ChangAtomic layer etching of metals with anisotropy, specificity, and selectivityJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films2020
Xia Sang, Jane P ChangPhysical and chemical effects in directional atomic layer etchingJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics2020
Woojin Choi, Renjie Chen, Cooper Levy, Atsunori Tanaka, Ren Liu, Venkatesh Balasubramanian, Peter M. Asbeck, and Shadi A. Dayeh, , available online, 2020Intrinsically linear transistor for millimeter-wave low noise amplifiersNano Letters2020
Jonathan H. Ma, Han Wang, David Prendergast, Andrew Neureuther, Patrick NaulleauInvestigating EUV radiation chemistry with first principle quantum chemistry calculationsProceedings Volume 11147, International Conference on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography 2019;2019
Jonathan Ma, Andrew R. Neureuther, Patrick P. NaulleauInvestigating EUV radiochemistry with condensed phase photoemissionProceedings Volume 10957, Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography X; 109571Y (2019)2019
Luke Long, Andrew Neureuther, Patrick NaulleauModeling of novel resist technologiesProc. SPIE. 10960, Advances in Patterning Materials and Processes XXXVI2019
A. Alam, A. Hanna, R. Irwin, G. Ezhilarasu, H. Boo, Y. Hu, C. W. Wong, T. S. Fisher, and S. S. IyerHeterogeneously Integrated Foldable Display on Elastomeric Substrate Based on Fan-Out Wafer Level PackagingIEEE 69th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)2019
Eugene Chu, Yandong Luo, and Puneet GuptaDesign Impacts of Back-End-Of-Line Line Edge RoughnessIEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing2019
S. Jangam et al.Fine-Pitch (≤10 µm) Direct Cu-Cu Interconnects Using In-Situ Formic Acid Vapor Treatment2019 IEEE 69th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)2019
Stuart SherwinAdvanced multilayer mirror design to mitigate EUV shadowingProceedings of SPIE Advanced Lithography2019
C.-T. Ho and A. B. KahngIncPIRD: Fast Learning-Based Prediction of Incremental IR DropProc. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design2019
A. B. Kahng, H.-Y. Liu, C. Park, R. Pichumani, and L. SaulSVM Learning for GFIS Trimer Health Monitoring in Helium-Neon Ion Beam MicroscopyProc. Advanced Process Control Conference2019
Saptadeep Pal, Daniel Petrisko, Matthew Tomei, Puneet Gupta, Subramanian S. Iyer, Rakesh KumarArchitecting Waferscale Processors - A GPU Case StudyInternational Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)2019
Uday Mallappa, Lawrence Saul, Shangyuan Tong, Andrew B. Kahng"Unobserved Corner" Prediction: Reducing Timing Analysis Effort for Faster Design Convergence in Advanced-Node Design2019 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition2019
Seokhyeong Kang, Seungwon Kim, Kambiz Samadi, Bangqi Xu, Andrew B. KahngPower Delivery Pathfinding for Emerging Die-to-Wafer Integration Technology2019 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition2019
Sun ik Heo, Minsoo Kim, Lutong Wang, Chutong Yang, Andrew B. KahngDetailed Placement for IR Drop Mitigation by Power Staple Insertion in Sub-10nm VLSI2019 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition2019
Sun ik Heo, Andrew. B. Kahng, Minsoo Kim, Lutong Wang and Chutong YangDetailed Placement for IR Drop Mitigation by Power Staple Insertion in Sub-10nm VLSIDesign, Automation and Test in Europe2019
Sun ik Heo, Andrew. B. Kahng, Minsoo Kim and Lutong WangDiffusion Break-Aware Leakage Power Optimization and Detailed Placement in Sub-10nm VLSIAsia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference2019
Luke Long, Andrew Neureuther, Patrick NaulleauMeasurement and modeling of diffusion characteristics in EUV resistProc. SPIE. 10809, International Conference on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography 20182018
Xuefeng Gu, S. S. IyerUnsupervised Learning Using Charge-Trap TransistorsIEEE Electron Device Letters2018
Gautam Gunjala, Stuart Sherwin, Aamod ShankerField-varying aberration recovery in EUV microscopy using mask roughnessComputational Optical Sensing and Imaging2018
Stuart SherwinEUV mask characterization with actinic scatterometryProceedings of SPIE Photomask Technology + Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography2018
Gautam Gunjala, Stuart Sherwin, Aamod ShankerAberration recovery by imaging a weak diffuserOptics express2018
Yoo-Jin Chae, Rik Jonckheere, Puneet GuptaaDefect Avoidance for Extreme Ultraviolet Mask Defects using Intentional Pattern DeformationInternational Conference on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography 2018
Y. Luo and P. GuptaRelaxing ler requirement in euv lithographySPIE Advanced Lithography2018
W.-C. Wang, C. Zhao, and P. GuptaAssessing Layout Density Benefits of Vertical Channel DevicesIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 2018
Saptadeep Pal, Daniel Petrisko, Adeel A. Bajwa, Puneet Gupta, Subramanian S. Iyer, Rakesh KumarA Case for Packageless ProcessorsIEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)2018
A. A. Bajwa, S. Jangam, S. Pal, B. Vaisband, R. Irwin, M. Goorsky, and S. S. IyerDemonstration of a h eterogeneously integrated System-on-Wafer (SoW) assemblyElectronic Components and Packaging Technology (ECTC) 2018
S. Jangam, A. Bajwa, K. K. Thankappan, P. Kittur and S. S. IyerElectrical Characterization of High Performance Fine Pitch Interconnects in Silicon-Interconnect FabricElectronic Components and Packaging Technology (ECTC)2018
Stuart SherwinActinic EUV Scatterometry for Parametric Mask QuantificationProceedings of SPIE-Advanced Lithography2018
Hongseok Oh, JunBeom Park, Woojin Choi, Heehun Kim, Youngbin Tchoe, Arpana Agrawal, Gyu‐Chul YiVertical ZnO Nanotube Transistor on a Graphene Film for Flexible Inorganic ElectronicsSmall2018
Saptadeep Pal, Subramanian S. Iyer, Puneet GuptaAdvanced Packaging and Heterogeneous Integration to Reboot ComputingIEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC)2017
A. B. Kahng, H. Lee and J. LiPROBE: Placement, Routing, Back-End-of-Line Measurement UtilityIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems2017
A. A. Bajwa, S. Jangam, S. Pal, N. Marathe, T. Bai, T. Fukushima, M. Goorsky, and S. S. IyerHeterogeneous Integration at Fine Pitch (≤ 10 μm) using Thermal Compression BondingElectronic Components and Packaging Technology (ECTC)2017
S. Jangam, S. Pal, A. Bajwa, S. Parmarti, P. Gupta and S. S. IyerLatency, Bandwidth and Power Benefits of the SuperCHIPS Integration SchemeElectronic Components and Packaging Technology (ECTC)2017
Stuart SherwinModeling high-efficiency extreme ultraviolet etched multilayer phase-shift masksJournal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS2017
Rui La, Ren Liu, Weichuan Yao, Renjie Chen, Mattias Jansson, Janet L Pan, Irina A Buyanova, Jie Xiang, Shadi A Dayeh, Charles W TuSelf-catalyzed core-shell GaAs/GaNAs nanowires grown on patterned Si (111) by gas-source molecular beam epitaxyApplied Physics Letters2017
Shadi A Dayeh, Renjie Chen, Yun Goo Ro, Joonseop Sim(Invited) Issues for the Doping of Semiconductor Nanowires During GrowthMaterials Science in Semiconductor Processing2017
Ren Liu, Renjie Chen, Ahmed T Elthakeb, Sang Heon Lee, Sandy Hinckley, Massoud L Khraiche, John Scott, Deborah Pre, Yoontae Hwang, Atsunori Tanaka, Yun Goo Ro, Albert K Matsushita, Xing Dai, Cesare SoHigh Density Individually Addressable Nanowire Arrays Record Intracellular Activity from Primary Rodent and Human Stem Cell Derived NeuronsNano Letters2017
Atsunori Tanaka, Woojin Choi, Renjie Chen, Shadi A DayehSi Complies with GaN to Overcome Thermal Mismatches for the Heteroepitaxy of Thick GaN on SiAdvanced Materials2017
Renjie Chen, Xing Dai, Katherine L Jungjohann, William Moyer Mook, John Nogan, Cesare Soci, Shadi A. Dayeh(Invited) The Dynamics of Nickelidation for Self-Aligned Contacts to InGaAs Channels ECS Transactions2017
Renjie Chen, Binh-Minh Nguyen, Wei Tang, Yang Liu, Jinkyoung Yoo, Shadi A Dayeh“In-situ Control of Synchronous Germanide/Silicide Reactions with Ge/Si Core/Shell Nanowires to Monitor Formation and Strain Evolution in Abrupt 2.7nm Channel LengthApplied Physics Letters2017
Renjie Chen, Shadi A DayehRecordings and Analysis of Atomic Ledge and Dislocation Movements in InGaAs to Nickelide Nanowire Phase TransformationSmall2017
Renjie Chen, Katherine L Jungjohann, William M Mook, John Nogan, Shadi A DayehAtomic Scale Dynamics of Contact Formation in the Cross-section of InGaAs Nanowire ChannelsNano Letters2017
Nicholas D. Altieri, Jack Kun-Chieh Chen, Luke Minardi, and Jane P. ChangPlasma-surface interactions at the atomic scale for patterning metalsJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology A2017
Jack Kun-Chieh Chen, Nicholas D. Altieri, Taeseung Kim, Ernest Chen, Thorsten Lill, Meihua Shen, and Jane P. ChangDirectional etch of magnetic and noble metals. II. Organic chemical vapor etchJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology A2017
Jack Kun-Chieh Chen, Nicholas D. Altieri, Taeseung Kim, Thorsten Lill, Meihua Shen, and Jane P. ChangDirectional etch of magnetic and noble metals. I. Role of surface oxidation statesJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology A2017
Jack Kun-Chieh Chen, Taeseung Kim, Nicholas D. Altieri, Ernest Chen, and Jane P. ChangIon beam assisted organic chemical vapor etch of magnetic thin filmsJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology A2017
Suchit Bhattarai, Andrew R. Neureuther, Patrick P. NaulleauContrast Curves for Low Energy Electron Exposures of an EUV Resist in a Scanning Electron MicroscopeSPIE Advanced Lithography Conference2017
Yasmine Badr, Puneet GuptaTechnology path-finding framework for directed-self assembly for via layersJournal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (JM3)2017
Yasmine Badr, Puneet GuptaTechnology Path-finding for Directed Self-Assembly for Via LayersSPIE Advanced Lithography2017
P. Debacker, K. Han, A. B. Kahng, H. Lee, P. Raghavan and L. WangMILP-Based Optimization of 2D Block Masks for Timing-Aware Dummy Segment Removal in Self-Aligned Multiple Patterning LayoutsIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems2017
W.-T. J. Chan, A. B. Kahng and J. LiRevisiting 3DIC Benefit with Multiple TiersIntegration: The VLSI Journal2017
T.-B. Chan, P. Gupta, K. Han, A. A. Kagalwalla and A. B. KahngBenchmarking of Mask Fracturing HeuristicsIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems2017
K. Han, A. B. Kahng, H. Lee and L. WangPerformance- and Energy-Aware Optimization of BEOL Interconnect Stack Geometry in Advanced Technology NodesIEEE Intl. Symp. on Quality in Electronic Design2017
W.-T. J. Chan, P.-H. Ho, A. B. Kahng and P. SaxenaRoutability Optimization for Industrial Designs at Sub-14nm Process Nodes Using Machine LearningACM/IEEE Intl. Symp. on Physical Design2017
Peter Debacker, Kwangsoo Han, Andrew B. Kahng, Hyein Lee, Praveen Raghavan and Lutong WangVertical M1 Routing-Aware Detailed Placement for Congestion and Wirelength Reduction in Sub-10nm NodesACM/IEEE Design Automation Conf.2017
Yow-Gwo Wang, Andy Neureuther, Patrick NaulleauImpact of tool design on defect detection sensitivity for EUV actinic blank inspectionSPIE Advanced Lithography2017
YG Wang, S Hsu, R Socha, A Neureuther, P NaulleauImpact of EUV SRAF on Bossung tiltSPIE Advanced Lithography2017
AamodShanker, Antoine Wojdyla, Markus Benk, Patrick Naulleau, Laura WallerCharacterizing EUV aerial imaging tool aberrations using photomask substrate roughnessSPIE Advanced Lithography2017
Aamod ShankerCharacterizing EUV aerial imaging tool aberrations using photomask substrate roughnessSPIE Advanced Lithography2017
Stuart SherwinRigorous 3D electromagnetic simulation of ultrahigh efficiency EUV contact-hole printing with chromeless phase shift maskSPIE Advanced Lithography2017
A. B. Kahng, H. Lee and J. LiMeasuring Progress and Value of IC Implementation TechnologyIEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design2016
W.-T. J. Chan, Y. Du, A. B. Kahng, S. Nath and K. SamadiBEOL Stack-Aware Routability Prediction from Placement Using Data Mining TechniquesIEEE Intl. Conf. on Computer Design2016
Yow-Gwo Wang; Andrew Neureuther; Patrick NaulleauImpact of noise sources and optical design on defect sensitivity for EUV actinic pattern inspectionSPIE Advanced Lithography2016
Yow-Gwo Wang; Andrew Neureuther; Patrick NaulleauEnhancing native defect sensitivity for EUV actinic blank inspection: optimized pupil engineering and photon noise study SPIE Advanced Lithography2016
S. Bang, K. Han, A. B. Kahng and M. LuoDelay Uncertainty and Signal Criticality Driven Routing Channel Optimization for Advanced DRAM ProductsAsia and South Pacific Design Automation Conf.2016
A. B. Kahng, J. Li and L. WangImproved Flop Tray-Based Design Implementation for Power ReductionIEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design2016
K. Y. Chung, A. B. Kahng and J. LiComprehensive Optimization of Scan Chain Timing During Late-Stage IC ImplementationACM/IEEE Design Automation Conf.2016
W.-T. J. Chan, A. B. Kahng and J. LiRevisiting 3DIC Benefit with Multiple TiersACM/IEEE International Workshop on System-Level Interconnect Prediction2016
K. Han, A. B. Kahng and J. LiImproved Performance of 3DIC Implementations Through Inherent Awareness of Mix-and-Match Die StackingDesign, Automation and Test in Europe2016
Aamod Shanker Feature size dependence of mask topography induced phase effects in an aerial imaging tool SPIE Photomask 2016
Yasmine Badr, Puneet GuptaTechnology path-finding for directed self-assembly for via layersSPIE Advanced Lithography 2016
Yasmine Badr, Andres Torres, Puneet GuptaMask Assignment and DSA Grouping for DSA-MP Hybrid Lithography for sub-7nm Contact/Via HolesIEEE Transactions on CAD2016
Liheng Zhu, Yasmine Badr, Shaodi Wang, Subramanian Iyer, and Puneet GuptaAssessing Benefits of a Buried Interconnect Layer in Digital DesignsIEEE Transactions on CAD2016
Suchit Bhattarai, Andrew R. Neureuther, Patrick P. NaulleauStudy of Energy Delivery and Mean Free Path of Low Energy Electrons in EUV ResistsProceedings of SPIE2016
Wei-Che Wang and Puneet GuptaEfficient Layout Generation and Design Evaluation of Vertical Channel DevicesIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD)2016
A. B. Kahng, S. Kang, J. Li, and J. Pineda de GyvezAn Improved Methodology for Resilient Design ImplementationACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems2015
Peng Zheng, Daniel Connelly, Fei Ding and Tsu-Jae King LiuSimulation-Based Study of the Inserted-Oxide FinFET for Future Low-Power System-on-Chip ApplicationsElectron Device Letters, IEEE2015
Yow-Gwo Wang, Andy Neureuther, Patrick NaulleauThe study of phase effects in EUV mask pattern defects2015 SPIE Photomask Technology2015
Yow-Gwo Wang, Ryan Miyakawa, Weilun Chao, Markus Benk, Antoine Wojdyla, Alex Donoghue, David Johnson, Kenneth Goldberg, Andy Neureuther, Ted Liang, Patrick NaulleauEnhancing defect detection with Zernike phase contrast in EUV multilayer blank inspectionSPIE Advanced Lithogrpahy2015
Suchit Bhattarai, Weilun Chao, Shaul Aloni, Andrew R. Neureuther, Patrick P. NaulleauAnalysis of Shot Noise Limitations due to Absorption Count in EUV ResistsSPIE Advanced Lithography2015
R. A. Claus, Y.-G.Wang, A. Wojdyla, M. P. Benk, K. A. Goldberg, A. R. Neureuther, P. P. Naulleau, L. WallerPhase measurements of EUV mask defectsSPIE Advanced Lithography2015
R. A. Claus, A. Wojdyla, M. P. Benk, K. A. Goldberg, A. R. Neureuther, P. P. Naulleau, L. WallerAberration estimation using EUV mask roughnessSPIE Advanced Lithography2015
Aamod Shanker, Lei Tian, Martin Sczyrba, Falk Lange, Brid Connolly, Andy Neureuther, and L. WallerCharacterizing the dependence of thick-mask edge effects on feature size and illumination angle using AIMS imagesSPIE Advanced Lithography2015
Kwangsoo Han, Andrew B, Kahng, jongpil Lee, Jiajia Li and Siddhartha NathA Global-Local Optimization Framework for Simultaneous Multi-Mode Multi-Corner Clock Skew Variation ReductionDAC2015
Taeseung Kim, Younghee Kim, Jack Kun-Chieh Chen, and Jane P. ChangViable chemical approach for patterning nanoscale magnetoresistive random access memory magnetic metal elementsJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology A2015
Kwangsoo Han, Andrew B. Kahng and Hyein Lee,Evaluation of BEOL Design Rule Impacts Using an Optimal ILP-Based Detailed RouterDesign Automation Conference (DAC)2015
Shaodi Wang, Andrew Pan, Chi On Chui, Puneet GuptaCEED: A Pareto Optimization-based Circuit-level Evaluator for Emerging Devices Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE Transactions on2015
Abde Ali Kagalwalla, Puneet GuptaEffective Model-Based Mask Fracturing for Mask Cost ReductionDesign Automation Conference (DAC)2015
Yasmine Badr, Andres Torres, Puneet GuptaIncorporating DSA in multipatterning semiconductor manufacturing technologiesSPIE 2015
Yasmine Badr, Andres Torres, Puneet GuptaMask Assignment and Synthesis of DSA-MP Hybrid Lithography for sub-7nm Contacts/ViasDesign Automation Conference (DAC)2015
Yasmine Badr, Andres Torres, Puneet GuptaMask Assignment and Synthesis of DSA-MP Hybrid Lithography for sub-7nm Contacts/ViasDesign Automation Conference (DAC)2015
Peng Zheng, Yi-Bo Liao, Nattapol Damrongplasit, Meng-Hsueh Chiang and Tsu-Jae King LiuVariation-Aware Comparative Study of 10-nm GAA Versus FinFET 6-T SRAM Performance and YieldIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES2014
Rene A. Claus, Andrew R. Neureuther, Patrick P. Naulleau, Laura WallerEffect of Amplitude Roughness on EUV Mask SpecificationSPIE Photomask Technology 20142014
Aamod Shanker, Lei Tian, Martin Sczyrba, Brid Connolly, Andy Neureuther, Laura WallerTransport of Intensity phase imaging in the presence of curl effects induced by strongly absorbing photomasksApplied Optics2014
Taeseung Kim, Jack Kun-Chieh Chen, and Jane P. ChangThermodynamic assessment and experimental verification of reactive ion etching of magnetic metal elementsJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology A2014
Yasmine Badr, Ko-wei Ma, Puneet GuptaLayout Pattern-driven Design Rule EvaluationJM32014
Yow-Gwo Wang, Ryan Miyakawa, Weilun Chao, Kenneth Goldberg, Andy Neureuther, and Patrick NaulleauPhase-enhanced defect sensitivity for EUV mask inspectionSPIE Photomask Technology 20142014
Wei-Che Wang and Puneet GuptaEfficient Layout Generation and Evaluation of Vertical Channel DevicesInternational Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD)2014
Aamod Shanker, Martin Sczyrba, Brid Connolly, Franklin Kalk, Andy Neureuther, Laura WallerCritical Assessment of the Transport of Intensity Equation as a phase recovery technique in optical lithographySPIE Advanced Lithography 2014
Suchit Bhattaraia, Weilun Chao, Andrew R. Neureuther, Patrick P. NaulleauComparative Analysis of Shot Noise in EUV and E-Beam LithographyProceedings of SPIE2014
Tuck Boon Chan, Puneet Gupta, Kwangsoo Han, Abde Ali Kagalwalla, Andrew B. Kahng and Emile SahouriaBenchmarking of Mask Fracturing HeuristicsInternational Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD)2014
Rene A. Claus; A. R. Neureuther; L. Waller; P. P. NaulleauPredicting LER PSD Caused by Mask Roughness Using a Mathematical ModeSPIE Advanced Lithography 20142014
Yow-Gwo Wang, Ryan Miyakawa, Andy Neureuther, Patrick NaulleauZernike phase contrast microscope for EUV mask inspectionSPIE Advanced Lithography2014
Abde Ali Kagalwalla and Puneet GuptaComprehensive Defect Avoidance Framework for Mitigating EUV Mask DefectsSPIE Advanced Lithography Symposium2014
A. A. Kagalwalla, M. Lam, K. Adam, and P. GuptaEUV-CDA: Pattern Shift Aware Critical Density Analysis for EUV Mask LayoutsProc. Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference2014
Rene A. Claus ; I. Mochi ; M. P. Benk ; K. A. Goldberg ; A. R. Neureuther ; P. P. NaulleauRecovering effective amplitude and phase roughness of EUV masksPhotomask Technology 20132013
Abde Ali Kagalwalla and Puneet GuptaDesign-Aware Defect-Avoidance Floorplanning of EUV MasksIEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing2013
Rani S. Ghaida, Mukul Gupta and Puneet GuptaA Framework for Exploring the Interaction between Design Rules and Overlay ControlSPIE Advanced Lithography 20132013
Rene A. Claus, Andrew R. Neureuther, Patrick P. NaulleauMathematical model for calculating speckle contrast through focusSPIE Advanced Lithography 20132013
Yi-Bo Liao, Meng-Hsueh Chiang, Nattapol Damrongplasit, Tsu-Jae King Liu6-T SRAM Cell Design with Gate-All-Around Silicon Nanowire MOSFETsthe 20th International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications (VLSI-TSA)2013
Suchit Bhattarai, Patrick Naulleau, Andy NeureutherSimulation of the Relationship Between Sensitivity and LWR in an EUV Resist with Photo-Decomposable QuencherSPIE Advanced Lithography Conference2013
John Lee, Puneet Gupta and Fedor PikusParametric Hierarchy Recovery in Layout Extracted NetlistsIEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI2012
John Lee and Puneet GuptaImpact of Range and Precision in Technology on Cell-Based DesignIEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD)2012
R. S. Ghaida and P. GuptaDRE: a Framework for Early Co-Evaluation of Design Rules, Technology Choices, and Layout MethodologiesIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems2012
Ying Qiao, Kun Qian, Costas J. SpanosVariability-Aware Compact Model Characterization for Statistical Circuit Design OptimizationIEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design 20122012
Rani S. Ghaida, Kanak B. Agarwal, Lars W. Liebmann, Sani R. Nasif, Puneet GuptaA Novel Methodology for Triple/Multiple-Patterning Layout DecompositionSPIE Advanced Lithography Symposium2012
Rani S. Ghaida, Tanaya Sahu, Parag Kulkarni, Puneet GuptaA Methodology for the Early Exploration of Design Rules for Multiple-Patterning TechnologiesIEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design 20122012
Tuck-Boon Chan and Andrew B. KahngTunable Sensors for Process-Aware Voltage ScalingIEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design 20122012
N. Xu, C. Shin, F. Andrieu, B. Ho, W. Xiong, B.-Y. Nguyen, M. Choi, O. Weber, V. Moroz, O. Faynot, T. Poiroux and T.-J. King LiuEffectiveness of Strained-Si Technology for Thin-Body MOSFETsInternational SOI Conference (Invited Paper)2012
G. Leung, L. Lai, P. Gupta, and C. O. Chui,Device and Circuit Level Variability Caused by Line Edge Roughness for Sub-32nm Finfet TechnologiesIEEE Transactions on Electronic Devices2012
Nuo Xu, F. Andrieu, B. Ho, B.-Y. Nguyen, O. Weber, C. Mazure, O. Faynot, T. Poiroux and T.-J. King LiuImpact of Back Biasing on Carrier Transport in Ultra-Thin-Body and BOX (UTBB) Fully Depleted SOI MOSFETs2012 Symposium on VLSI Technology2012
Abde Ali Kagalwalla, Swamy Muddu, Luigi Capodieci, Coby Zelnik and Puneet GuptaDesign-of-Experiments Based Design Rule ExplorationSPIE Advanced Lithography2012
Abde Ali Kagalwalla, Puneet Gupta, Chris Progler and Steve McDonaldDesign-Aware Mask InspectionIEEE Tran. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems2012
T.-B. Chan, P. Gupta, A. B. Kahng and L. LaiDDRO: A Novel Performance Monitoring Methodology Based on Design-Dependent Ring OscillatorsInternational Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, March 19, 20122012
John D. Gerling*, Zhongsheng S. Luo, Vorrada Loryuenyong, and Nathan W. CheungA Ubiquitous Optical Microsystem Platform for Lab-on-a-Chip with Application to Optical Metrology and Chemical Sensingto be Presented at Analytix-2012 Conference, March 23-25, 2012. Beijing, China2012
Nuo Xu, Byron Ho, Munkang Choi, Victor Moroz, Tsu-Jae King LiuEffectiveness of Stressors in Aggressively Scaled FinFETssubmitted to IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 20122012
Nuo Xu, Byron Ho, Francois Andrieu, Lee Smith, Bich-Yen Nguyen, Olivier Weber, Thiery Poroux, Olivier Faynot, Tsu-Jae King LiuCarrier Mobility Enhancement via Strain Engineering in Future Thin-Body MOSFETsIEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol.33, Issue 3, 20122012